Recently, I am always in a grumpy mood. I constantly mope around and feel sad.. What's wrong with me??? *sigh* Even when I laugh, I sometimes feel that it is forced or not really what I feel. Sometimes I just laugh all crazily, hoping that maybe by laughing, I might feel better or even happier~ But I'm not even sure if it's working!
One of my close friends is facing a really major situation now. She might be losing someone very important in her life! It is really a very sad thing to hear.. Especially when we're that close. I think this is a part of the reason why I'm feeling sad. I feel so helpless in helping her. I know, there's nothing much that I can do to help. But at least I should be there comforting her and helping her feel better. The problem is.. I don't know how!! Every time I wanted to sms her, I would start typing but then in the end, I'd erase it all. You know why? Coz I feel that what I write would not help her at all. I feel that whatever I say, she will always think that I don't know what I'm talking about coz I'm not the one facing the situation. I feel that I don't even know what she's facing anymore or even how she feels.. It's just been so long since we last had a real good chat..
And those who know me know that I'm always affected by other people's problem. If they are sad, I'd be too. If they cry and they feel hurt, I would too.. If they are disappointed, somehow I would too.. Sounds ridiculous? But that's me.. And now, it's the same thing happening. I often cry myself to sleep. I often have sleepless nights. I try tiring myself by keeping busy so that I can fill up my mind with other things. Because all I'm thinking about is how to help her. How come all this can happen to her. How come she needs to face this now. How come How come How come! But all I get is darker circles around my eyes and no answers..
I know that this is not my problem and I shouldn't feel too bad about it. That I shouldn't let it affect me too much. But then, I still do. Coz I feel that if someone else can't be happy, then I can't too.. This is a really wrong "attitude" to have. But I don't know how to change it. It is as though "programmed" in me to be like this!
I really wish that things would be better. That her loved one would be healed. So that she can be happy, her family members can be happy and in the end, I'd be happy too. But this all seems impossible. Seeing from her blog, I know that things are getting worse. I know that the chances of being healed is slim. I know all that and now I'm even more sad..
Lord, will You help all of us in this situation? Will You place Your loving hands on this? I know that people live and die. I know that we don't control the time that a person leaves this earth. But I do hope, that for all the time that is left, all the happiness that is possible will be felt. That even if it really is the time to go, things will not be so hard for my friend and her family members. I pray that the whole family may be strong, that they will be able to hold on and not give up any hope! For I believe that miracles can happen, even to those who are not yet your followers. I know that you love them too.. So Lord, please pour out your comfort and grace in this hard time, that we may not lose hope.
Forward Truth 01 (2/8/21)
4 years ago
You truly are a great and unique person. Your friends are truly blessed to have a friend like you =).
But you know, I think she won't feel "u don't know what u're talking about" when you sms her.
I believe she will feel happy, not just your simple ordinary open mouth and laugh happy but happy from the bottom of the heart that sometimes we just don't show out to other people =).
Cause you guys are the best of friends.
If it were only that easy.. But really, a lot of things has happened between her and I. Maybe I'm too sensitive or maybe too many things has been said to me by her whether jokingly or not, but I really don't know what to feel. It seems hard to tell her things now coz I don't know what she will say to/about me this time. So, I refrain from telling her. But thanks though. What you said comforted me somehow.. Thanks..
Well I don't know what happened or what's going on but
ok you know what, I'll just tell you how I feel straight-forward.
You know what I'm seeing here? I'm seeing a very funny and weird situation that I really cannot understand and it's kinda driving me crazy to be honest cause you know, I tend to "think" too much.
I'm seeing two friends, both needing the comfort of the other one VERY much, but somehow both of them are in denial of their feelings? And so this is the part that I don't understand? Why is that?Why is it that you both need to wear a mask and hide your true emotions? It's not like your friendship is not accepted by your parents your friends and the eye of the common society like in the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet????
You know what's funny? As I was typing all the above stuff I suddenly have te urge to delete them all and retype because suddenly I realised it's normal?
I mean cause you know when you are interacting with someone that you are not that familiar with sure you will be nice,You will be kind and sweet cause you don't know that person that well! But when you see people who are VERY close they don't bow to each other everytime they meet (just over exaggerating but you get the point =P), they hit the other one on the back and irritate the other one~ It's normal!!!!!!!!~~~~~~
oh god I don't know what I'm saying anymore, but there you go, this is how I , someone who don't know what's going and don't have the slightest clue, REALLY feel.
hey... sorry... 真得非常对不起。。我今天才看到你的部落格。我很失败也不是一个好朋友对吗?那么久了竟然现在才看到。伤心。。 我们之间有一个墙壁正慢慢的立起来,那是我所感觉的。对吗?像你说的,信息打了但最后擦掉了没有送出去。。坦白说,我也是那样。 打了又擦打了又擦,我很想告诉你我说面对的一切的但我很怕告诉你后你会不高兴,影响你的情绪。
你用疲劳来麻醉你自己。这是很不应该的,我想骂你讲你,但我没有资格讲你。因为我,又何尝不是呢?我很感谢你的祈祷,虽然我不是基督徒,但我相信你的祈祷是有效的!后知后觉的我请你原谅。。我不懂我们为什么会搞成这样,但我知道我们两个会跨越现在所面对的这一切从新变成真实的我们的。对吗? 我们的面具是时侯摘下来了。。
rachel, long time didnt contact with u already... be tough ok... the things u write let me have hard feeling... i really worse and i'm a loser..i ignore all of my frens last semester... sorry... really long time not find and have a nice chat with u... suppose is we never have a chat after i come over here.. sorry ya.. this make me dont know all the things about u.. i dont know u feel stress and dont have a happy life like before, when we still at secondary school...
girl, find and share something with me when u needs and not happy ok... i will feel glad with it.. really... be tough...i will always support u..
this period, all of us(jessie,sali,u and me) face many problems, i'm sure that all of us are changing all the time... now, let us help each other and cheer up to achieve our own goal... ok...
dont forget me all the time ar.... when u happy or sad, muz remember me, bcoz i always be your side.. wakaka... be happy ok..
@Terry: Sorry that I didn't get back to you earlier.. But I really didn't know how to answer you.. All I can say is that I understand what you are talking about. Although things get tough, but that's the part of life, right? And thank you for always being there to encourage me and make me happier.. Like I said before, you have not made me doubted you yet.. So thanks~ =) [P/S: Try not to think so much la.. I'm scared that one day I might make you go mad~ =P]
@Sali: If I knew you were reading this blog, I think I wouldn't have written this post. But seeing that you finally found out about this blog, then I guess it is meant for you to find out what I was feeling.. You don't have to be sorry.. You are not a lousy friend, but you just had many things to face and I don't really blame you.. So, I guess we'll try to work out our problems.. No matter how it may turn out, we'll always be there for each other..
@Joyce: You are neither worse than me, nor a loser.. Don't say it like that.. Like you've said, we are all changing all the time.. So, we go through different experieces and lifestyles. This is normal and it is ok even if we all don't keep in touch that often.. Once in awhile, a "Hi" or a chat would be just great.. Coz now, we are all trying to fit in with the new surroundings. We can't spend too much time on everything.. So, just let matters flow freely.. I'm feeling much better now.. I guess that night I was just thinking too much. Sure I'll find you when I need to.. You can look for me too.. I'm always here for you. And I will always be thinking of you as well as the others in whatever I do.. =)
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