
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mock exam is over!

My mock exam is over.. But I'm not feeling overjoyed.. I feel that I didn't do the best that I could have! I thought I did well in my F1 paper.. But I just marked my answers and I realised I only gotten 57%!!!! That is really very bad.. I don't want marks below 60.. At least a 6 in front of my mark.. The higher the better.. I managed to get 74% the last time.. Why did it drop so far down this time.. Maybe I didn't work hard enough.. Today's F3 was ok, but I still didn't manage to finish of the 6 questions I had left.. Really a disappointment!

Ah well.. It's over and I can't do anything about it.. Just need to work much harder for my actual exams next week.. Lord, please help me to be well prepared for the exam.. Let me do my best and hopefully my best will be what I targeted..

Friday, May 15, 2009

More "surprises"!

Gosh.. I just found out that my computer-based exam isn't just MCQ's!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness.. All this while I thought paper-based and computer-based are the same.. And I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong!! I need to calculate and enter some of my own answers for the computer-based.. Oh NO!! Freaking out right now~~~ But no fair.. The lecturers said it's all the same for the two exam methods!! How come only now I know that actually they're different?!

Oh man.. How come I didn't know about this earlier.. Really need to pick up the pace. Can't lose to this!!! No no no!!! I will do just fine. Relax.. *Breath in and breath out* Lord, please help me out.. I know You are there for me in my good times and in my hard times..

And another thing.. Mr. Aw announced today in class that he wants to give mini-mock exams next week! One week before the real mock exams, he'll be giving us 3 small tests to "prepare" us for the internal and external exams.. Means I'll be having "exams" for the next 3 weeks~~ Although his one doesn't count for any marks, but this means I need to revise everything for his paper this weekend.. Golly~ Seems quite impossible..

Anyways, gonna study Mr. Edward's paper now.. At least I hope I can focus and not fall into my afternoon nap! Tata~

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Saw this quiz on Yee Ling's page.. I did it and it was kinda accurate for me.. Why don't you try it as well and tell me what did you get.. =) Btw, I got to D. 牧羊犬...


  1. 公车靠站,车上已经载满了人,下一班车要一刻钟后才到,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎不想再等下去了,再挤也要上车──请答第 2 题

  ◎人太多了,还是等一班吧!──请答第 4 题

  2. 旅行途中的你突然头很痛,这时正好有热心人拿药给你吃,你会如何抉择呢?

  ◎说声谢谢后马上吃药 ──请答第 6 题

  ◎找理由拒绝对方的药──请答第 3 题

  3. 某部电影很让你感动,你有何反应呢?

  ◎会跟身边的人讲故事情节,推荐给别人 ──请答第 12 题

  ◎将感动藏在心里,不需与人分享──请答第 7 题

  4. 一辆红色的面包车开到湖边,你认为里面坐的是什么人?

  ◎一队情侣或一家人──请答第 3 题

  ◎歹徒──请答第 5 题

  5. 画面上有一颗桃心,你会联想到什么呢?

  ◎爱情──请答第 12 题

  ◎ 扑克牌 ──请答第 8 题

  6. 朋友说她要去参加一个聚会,你会怎样呢?

  ◎要求带你一起参加─ ─请答第 9 题

  ◎除非她主动说要带你去,不然的话只有保持沉默──请答第 10 题

  7. 和男孩子一起用餐,餐费是他主动付的,好像花了不少钱,你有什么感觉呢?

  ◎觉得过意不去,之后会跟他平摊费用 ──请答第 10 题

  ◎男生埋单天经地义,会道谢但不出钱 ──请答第 12 题

  8. 参加同学会的时候发现你最要好的朋友却没来,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎觉得很没趣,早早回家吧──请答第 13 题

  ◎硬着头皮敷衍到底──请答第 12 题

  9. 你希望多少岁的时候步入结婚礼堂?

  ◎ 21-25 岁 ──请答第 11 题

  ◎ 26-30 岁──请答第 10 题

  10. 星期天在家,手机和座机同时响起,你会怎么办呢?

  ◎ 先接其中的一个 ──请答第 15 题

  ◎两个一起接──请答第 16 题

  11. 如果你抽奖中了一栋别墅,你希望它位于何处呢?

  ◎ 海边或湖畔 ──请答第 14 题

  ◎小岛上──请答第 15 题

  12. 拥挤的车厢里一位漂亮的女孩子被人踩到脚了,你认为她的表情应该是怎样的呢?

  ◎疼得叫起来──请答第 16 题

  ◎非常生气,责怪对方──请答第 17 题

  13. 一位跟你不是很要好的朋友请你吃饭,你会有什么感觉呢?

  ◎对方发财了──请答第 21 题

  ◎必然有事相求 ──请答第 17 题

  14. 朋友送了一份你不是很喜欢的礼物给你,你会怎么做呢?

  ◎平静地说谢谢──请答第 18 题

  ◎假装很开心的样子──请答第 19 题

  15. 大卖场四折大清仓,你会怎么做呢?

  ◎疯狂大采购──请答第 18 题

  ◎不一定要买什么──请答第 19 题

  16. 你是否将人家送给你的东西转送给他人?

  ◎有过──请答第 19 题

  ◎ 从来没有 ──请答第 20 题

  17. 一位妖精女子在等出租车,凭直觉你认为她要去做什么呢?

  ◎去跟男朋友约会──请答第 16 题

  ◎去夜总会上班 ──请答第 21 题

  18. 突然有人从背后重重地拍了一下你的肩膀,你猜这个拍你的人是男生还是女生呢?

  ◎ 男生 ──请答第 22 题

  ◎女生──请答第 23 题

  19. 你比较喜欢喝冰红茶还是珍珠奶茶呢?

  ◎珍珠奶茶──请答第 18 题

  ◎冰红茶──请答第 20 题

  20. 你和好朋友一起乘车,你会主动帮对方买票吗?

  ◎会──请答第 24 题

  ◎ 不会 ──请答第 21 题

  21. 对于酷酷的异性,你有接近他的想法吗?

  ◎有──请答第 25 题

  ◎ 没有 ──请答第 23 题

  22. 一男一女在街上勾肩搭背,你认为他们是什么关系呢?

  ◎恋爱关系──答案 A

  ◎ 没有 ──请答第 23 题

  22. 一男一女在街上勾肩搭背,你认为他们是什么关系呢?

  ◎恋爱关系──答案 A

  ◎ 纯友谊关系 ──答案 B

  23. 每个女孩子都有玩家家的经历,回想一下,孩童时代的你比较喜欢扮演妈妈还


  ◎喜欢扮妈妈──答案 E

  ◎喜欢扮小孩─ ─答案 C

  24. 在游乐场玩耍,你比较喜欢玩以下哪一个游乐项目呢?

  ◎摩天轮──答案 F

  ◎秋千── 答案 D

  25. 跟朋友在一起好像总有说不完的话题似的?

  ◎ 是的 ──答案 G

  ◎不一定──请答第 24 题



  A. 梅花鹿












  B. 海龟










  C. 折耳猫










  D. 牧羊犬











  E. 金丝猴












  和原则 ,你讨厌被恋人命令和束缚,一旦分歧过大,你便会主动提出分手。




  F. 长颈鹿








  样一来 ,很容易把自己累坏哦!别人喜欢依赖你,而你却找不到可以依赖的人,你必须向








  G. 野象















Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Recently... Many things are on my mind.. One thing especially is my exams!! Gosh.. Time really flies.. My internal exams will in 2 weeks time and just a week after that, I'll be having my external exams! All really a rush.. I feel that I've not done anything to prepare myself at all. Haiz.. Who am I kidding? I haven't! Reading the books and doing some exercises doesn't seem enough.. When I come across a question that's similar to the others, I totally blank out.. This is really making me freak out. At first, I thought I wasn't just paying attention to what I was doing. But then, now I'm just thinking that I'm just not ready!!!

Pressure is also building up as I'm taking the computer-based exam.. Means I do the exam on the computer and I get my results straight after I finish. I haven't tried this method of exam before and I thought I'd give it a swirl~ It did seem like a good idea at that time to choose the computer-based instead of the paper-based.. But now, I'm not that sure.. Friends are telling me that it will be harder or that I'll feel more pressured to do well or blah blah blah~ Arghhhh!! All of that is making me just wanna cry out and say "I GIVE UP!!" And now I'll be the only one taking the computer-based as one of my friend who was initially supposed to take same as me has just decided to do the December exam.. Really thinking how it's all going to turn out on that day...

I guess I'm just worried a bit.. It's not that I don't understand what I'm studying.. I like what I'm learning and I know that what I've learned is in my head somewhere.. Just that.. What if it decides not to come out of my mind on the day of the exams? What if I just blank out? Or what if I get too nervous to finish all the questions? Or what if what I actually know is not enough for me to get good grades? So many what if's.. Aiks.. I remember I once read that we shouldn't live in a world of "What If's"... That would be really bad coz we won't be able to do a thing as we would only keep worrying and think about the problem! So GET AWAY all the "What If's" in my head.. GO!! I don't need you!!!!!

Phew~ Really good to write all down here. Although I have my diary to write in, but typing is much better and faster.. Hopefully after this rant, I'll be ok again.. I think because of this "problem", I've been having stressful sleeps.. I wake up all uptight and can't relax even when I sleep.. And with that, I tend to take long afternoon naps which then buys up my time to study.. Really so frustrating! It's so true that you can't win them all..

With all the "business" in studying and preparing for the exams, I kinda fallen behind in my journey with the Lord. I believe this is the biggest problem for me right now.. How can I sacrifice my time and passion for the Lord.. This is so NOT right.. Usually I would always talk to my Lord and tell Him of all the things that I'm grateful for and all the things that I'm happy with throughout the day.. Nowadays, I just pray for what I want.. And if I don't see anything that I want, I'll totally ignore Him.. This is totally unacceptable!!! Lord, I'm sure you know that I've not been totally in-sync with you lately, even I now finally know(or admit, which I think is a more appropriate word)that.. Will You bring me back closer to You? I want to love You like how I did.. I don't want to ever be lukewarm with You.. I want my love to be on fire for You and You alone.. Coz the feeling of not being close with you is a really horrid feeling to go through.. Lord, let me put You first in my life above all else.. Now and forevermore.. Amen!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

More songs~ Loving them~

Taylor Swift - Love Story

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you...

Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone

GMB - Mengejar HadirMu

Dekat padaMu itu rinduku
Setiap kataku Kau pun menunggu
Tak kusangka kutemukan satu kasih yang abadi
Kini kudatang dan kubawa hidupku

Memandang wajahMu
Mengikuti kebaikanMu
Mengejar hadirMu
dalam hidupku

Membawa sembahku
Menyatakan kebesaranMu
Mengejar hadirMu
dalam hidupku

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Various songs that I'm suddenly into~ (Although some are quite old already~)

Satu Suara~

Hui Hu Xi De Tong ( 會呼吸的痛 ) - Liang Jing Ru

Zhuan Shu Tian Shi(专属天使) by TANK (Hana Kimi 花样少年少女)

Enjoy! =)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Outing with Terry and Sali~

Oh my gosh~ I just got back. The last time I came home past midnight was like months ago~ When Jessie was still back here! Ohhhh.. How I miss her~ Hope to have some fun with her when she gets back.. Qi Dai Qi Dai~ Haha..

Today.. Haha... Really very funny.. Terry was supposed to pick up Sali around 6:30p.m. and then pick me up before heading to the beach for dinner.. But he called at 6:40p.m. saying " Can I come pick you up first?" I answered "Why? You don't know the way to Sali's house is it?" He was like "How did you know that? But yea.. I really don't know. When I was about to leave my house, I had totally no idea where I was suppose to head to." Oh gosh.. That was so so so very funny~ So, he ended up coming to Sembulan from Iramanis that area and then going back to the road to Tuaran where Sali lives.. Far right? But it was a fun trip.. Got to catch up a bit.. And catch up more when he sent Sali home first and then only me.. Ahhh.. Miss him so much.. So nice~

We went to the beach to have dinner.. Can't believe I actually paid for Terry's meal.. RM15 for everything.. And for myself the same thing.. So it was RM30 for the whole dinner. But I guess I owed him that.. Didn't pay him for the drinks last time.. And he wouldn't let me forget about that.. LOL..

Well, we walked at the beach awhile after eating and also contemplated whether to eat durian.. That was funny.. Standing at the side of the road discussing.. But of course not about durian only.. About what movie to watch and where.. Haha.. In the end it was Wolverine at Growball..The movie wasn't that bad.. Got some funny parts in there and some more funny parts if you can catch the dry jokes. Haha.. But quite interesting I guess.. Then we went for supper at Damai after the movie.. It was so sweet of Sali to pay for supper. Hmm.. That reminds me.. I still owe her lunch one day and she owes me dinner.. Haha..

Oww.. It was really nice to spend time with them.. Expecially Terry whom I've not seen for ages.. Ok ok.. Maybe just 3 months. But even so.. AGES~~~~~~~~~~ Ah... Wish he didn't have to go to Taiwan.. I want him here. But anyways, 10 years time we'll meet up for board game ya? It's still on right? LOL.. See if you can play twister then~ =P